A "wipe" is a reset (complete removal of data) in at least one of the databases that are used to store player progress, items, credits, and more in Star Citizen.
Star Citizen 4.0 "Preview" released on 19 December 2024 with a full Long Term Persistence and Reputation wipe, the most impactful type of Star Citizen wipe. This was the first Long Term Persistence and Reputation wipe since Star Citizen 3.18.2 released in April 2023. The Long Term Persistence and Reputation Wipe section below provides a thorough list of what was affected with the wipe.
While Star Citizen 4.0 may be in "Preview" now, the Star Citizen developers stated that any progress in the Star Citizen 4.0 "Preview" will persist into the upcoming Star Citizen 4.0 "Live" release. While progress in credits, items, ships, and reputation will persist when Star Citizen 4.0 goes into "Live", there will likely be a Database Reset when that transition happens. You can learn more about Database Resets, the least impactful type of Star Citizen wipes, in the Database Reset section below.
In a special situation, Star Citizen 3.24.3 is also available for players to use over the traditional end of year break that the Star Citizen developers take. This allows players to experience a potentially more stable version than Star Citizen 4.0 and complete the "Save Stanton" global event. However, any progress made in Star Citizen 3.24.3, including items, ships, credits, and reputation will be wiped when Star Citizen 4.0 goes into "Live".
Our recommendation is to play Star Citizen 4.0 in "Preview" unless you're trying to complete the "Save Stanton" global event because you can earn credits and reputation that will help you when Star Citizen 4.0 goes into "Live".
Long term, there will be a full Long Term Persistence and Reputation wipe when Star Citizen reaches Beta status and also when Star Citizen 1.0 is released. These milestones may be years away.
The Star Citizen 1.0 wipe is the last wipe or "reset" that the Star Citizen developers are planning. During the "The Stars My Destination: Star Citizen 1.0" presentation at CitizenCon 2954, Rich Tyrer, Senior Director for Star Citizen and Squadron 42, stated that there will not be any wipes after Star Citizen 1.0 releases. This would be in line with other MMOs and live service games where player progress, reputation, items, and credits persist through patches.
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These are the different items that can be reset or lost depending on the type of wipe:
There are three forms of wipes:
Database resets usually happen with each major (X.0) and minor (#.X) release.
The following items are affected when there is a database reset or you request a character reset:
Long Term Persistence wipes are not regularly scheduled, and are usually a result of development progress or database contamination due to bugs in the game.
The following items are affected when there is a database reset or you request a character reset:
Reputation status was separated into a separate database as of Star Citizen version 3.15, so your reputation should not be reset with Database Resets and Long Term Persistence wipes.
Though we can't predict when development progress or database contamination will occur, we do know that this most-severe level of wipe will happen at least at these two points:
The following items are affected when there is a Long Term Persistence and Reputation wipe:
Aside from character resets, wipes are beyond the control of the player base. They typically happen because of development progress or database contamination because of bugs.
Wipes are always an opportunity to look on the bright side of life in the Star Citizen universe.
If there was database contamination, then a wipe may improve the stability and performance of Star Citizen. If the wipe is due to development progress, then it was probably necessary to enable a new gameplay type or feature that you'll get to enjoy.
Star Citizen's developers, CIG, take a proactive approach to announcing Long Term Persistence wipes because the wipes are disruptive to the player base.
If a Long Term Persistence wipe will be occurring in the near future, then this is still a great time to play the game! Many people have millions and millions of credits and the impending reset to the standard stipend may make them willing to give their credits away to others. Ask in the in-game global chat, and you may find someone willing to give you the millions you need to buy and try out a ship you haven't flown yet!
You need to leave this website and go to the official Roberts Space Industries website to see what is in your account hangar. Click the link below to go to the official Roberts Space Industries website:
You need to leave this website and go to the official Roberts Space Industries website to see what your starting balance will be. Click the link below to go to the official Roberts Space Industries website:
Once you are on the official RSI website, scroll down to the "Credits" section - your UEC balance will be shown in yellow.
Important Note: while Star Citizen is in alpha, all players are given a 20000 credit stipend in-game. This stipend will be replaced by your starting balance when Star Citizen exits development and is released.
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The official Star Citizen website may be found at https://robertsspaceindustries.com